Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Oneiric Sensuality and Perceptual Ecologies

For my podcast, I created an acoustic dream landscape in which the listener travels through a series of sound works as the texture and terrain for different sense experiences, and philosophical inquiries into perception, language, and sensuality. In the first part, we move through Francisco Lopez' "La Selva," exploring phenomenon involved in listening. We then enter Pierre Schaeffer's "Etude aux Chemins de Ferbi" as an exploration of the ‘mind’s ear,’ as sound inside of the head and the philosophical problems involved with sound, mind, and memory. As we move into James Tenney Karlheinz Stockhausen and William Winant's "Kontakte," We explore this piece as it relates to vision, its relation to sound, and concepts of synesthesia. Then we emerge into Janek Schaefer's "Rink," and its relation to tactility. The previous philosophical explorations are interpreted here through the lens of the tactile, branching briefly into the realm of autism. Finally we conclude with a resolution into "Lantern Marsh" by Brian Eno and "CCC (Cistern Chapel Chance Chants" by Deep Listening band. These works have woven throughout the entire work and conclude here with an exploration into the underlying connectivity of all sense perception.

Other intelectual works included by Alan Watts, Terrence McKenna, quotes from Francisco Lopez, quotes from Caroline A. Jones’ essay "Synaesthesia", Jill Bolte Taylor on left brain shutdown, and Samantha Baggs on the experience of autism.

Oneiric Sensuality and Perceptual Ecologies

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