Monday, November 21, 2011

Going Back to Push Forward - Hip Hop Tape Culture

We move very fast in the digital age, there is something to be said about slowing back down again. With the cassette tape, fans of music of all types can sacrifice the immediate convenience of digital music for the analogue alternative, which lets you learn something about yourself in the process. It allows you to listen carefully and wholly to a track or album considering the inconvenience of doing otherwise, it gives back the sensual aspects of music often lost, such as touching, feeling, smelling, and physically sharing a song/album, and gives you a deliciously low-fi tone to boot. Young hip hop beat makers have been turning to tapes as their mediums for production in recent history, revealing a new form of the genre, and a new form of ourselves in the process.

Going Back to Push Forward - Hip Hop Tape Culture

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