Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Evolution of Music Accessibility

This podcast is about the evolution of music accessibility described through three interviews conducted with my (1982) mother (1954), sister (1972), and brother (1983). The interviews begin with memories of my mother telling me stories about her records; the memories of listening to music in my sister's car; the memories my brother and I shared when music became available over the internet. Music accessibility goes hand-in-hand with technology and it is apparent that in a few short decades from my mother's generation to my own, technology became faster and music became easier to get thus creating turmoil within the music industry. Despite technology and music license limitations, people are able to choose their favorite way to get and listen to music. The demand for music will always be present and as long as their is a desire for music, there will be people willing to find a new way to get it be it experiencing records or mP3s for the first time or discovering a yet to be invented way.

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